Charter Advisory Council Parent Candidates

for the 2023-2024 School Year

Below are the parent candidates who are interested in serving on the Charter Advisory Council.

Please check your email account that is on file with the school for the voting ballot.

Voting will take place Monday August 28th starting at 10am and will close on Tuesday September 5th at 10am.

You are able to select up to two candidates on the ballot.

Candidate Name

Candidate Statement

Bridget Abifadel

Hello, my name is Bridget Abifadel. I am a full time mother of three, two of which are CORE Butte students. We have been with CORE for 1.5 years. From the moment we joined CORE I have felt a sense of community and support that is incomparable to most. It’s been a wonderful experience for myself and my daughters. From that, the desire to contribute to the success of CORE and its students has been growing. I have been searching out ways to do this, mostly with the BofD, but found that I did not have the available time commitment the Board requires. The Charter Advisory Council seems to be a perfect option as the time commitment is less, but the goal is the same. The CAC sounds like a strong collaborative group of individuals who share the mission to continue CORE on its path of being a safe, personal, innovative, and dynamic school for the students. I have learned so much about CORE in this last year via the parent conference day, BofD meetings, and continued dialogue with staff, admin and other parents. I am eager to learn more about all aspects of CORE including funding, the over-all school plan, as well as instructional and programming strategies. I would greatly appreciate being considered for a parent position with the CAC.

Sara Lowe

I would like to be considered for a role of parent volunteer on the Charter Advisory Council. I have enjoyed many years of growth in our amazing Butte Core environment. I would really appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to give back to the community by participating in the process of deeper learning about how this school operates so fantastically. I, also, understand there are opportunities for new ideas as we continue to grow. I have been involved in many of the dynamics of home schooling at CORE from Special Education, Board of Directors meetings and moving forward through K-12 at with all my children combined. I do feel I can add value as serving on the Charter Advisory Council at Butte CORE Charter School. I will continue to be involved, with the capacity I have, to help this school thrive. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Kristin Minetti

My name is Kristin Minetti and my son Dominic is in 1st grade at Core Butte. I am interested in the Council as I am passionate about education and I am a Lecturer at Chico State. I really enjoy the opportunities Core Butte provides for families to take control of their education while offering an abundance of support.

Heather Rogers

I had the privilege of serving on this council last year and would love the opportunity to serve again. The beauty of this council is it presents a picture of the growth and health of our school through many perspectives and I would enjoy the chance of being part of that again. My career as an educator, combined with being a homeschool parent have given me years of experience to pull from. I have also been a school leader and served on a school board. I value being a part of my daughter's education and I see this as a way to contribute to their school in a positive way. With one daughter in high school and another joining next year as a freshman, we plan to be a CORE family for another five more years. Please consider me as a parent representative.

Theresa Schneider

My name is Theresa Schneider. I am parent of new students in 9th and 11th grades. As a new parent I would like to get involved with the school. I have sat on a school site council prior to CORE and find that it is enlightening to learn first-hand what happens behind the scenes. Currently an active member of the community serving as a Livestock leader in Grange, member of California Women for Agriculture and Butte County Farm Bureau. It would be a great pleasure to be a member of the CORE Site council.