Can't make it to our 8th Grade Promotion or High School Graduation? No problem! Watch it LIVE!!
over 1 year ago, Amber Catren
2023 8th Grade Promotion
This Friday! SEL Event with Coffee with the Counselors 10am - 12pm
almost 2 years ago, Amber Catren
SEL - Truth Be Told
Don't forget that Spring Break is next week! Enjoy your time off!
almost 2 years ago, Amber Catren
Spring Break 3/13 - 3/17
Please complete the annual LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) Survey!! This survey is an opportunity for families, staff, and constituents to identify the areas of need so that funds are utilized in a way that supports CORE Butte's goals. The survey will close prior to spring break, so please be sure to respond! We truly appreciate your time.
almost 2 years ago, Mary Cox
LCAP Survey
Are you a parent/guardian of a student at CORE Butte? Consider running for the CORE Butte Board of Directors!!
almost 2 years ago, Mary Cox
TK-5 Dr. Seuss Party! Wednesday, March 1st from 1:30-2:30 Games, crafts, activities & a special guest! Be sure to sign up with this link
almost 2 years ago, Amber Catren
Dr. Seuss Party!
WOODSTOCK PIZZA FUNDRAISER!! Tomorrow, Thursday February 23rd from 12pm - 8pm Mention this fundraiser and Woodstock Pizza will donate 25% of the proceeds to CORE Butte Charter School! WooHoo!!
almost 2 years ago, Amber Catren
Woodstock Pizza Fundraiser February 23 from 12pm - 8pm
almost 2 years ago, Amber Catren
Our Centers will be closed Friday 2/17 & 2/20 in observance of Presidents' Day
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
CORE Butte Charter will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day 2/17 & 2/20
8th Graders! Don't forget that from 9am - 12pm TODAY is the CBHS Preview Day!
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
CBHS Preview Day Today from 9am-12pm
Don't miss our fantastic Parent Seminar on February 10th from 9am-4pm. Check out the details here!
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
22/23 Parent Seminar Schedule of Events
2nd & 3rd grade reading program! Contact Amber Reid at
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
2nd & 3rd Grade Reading Pals program
Calling all 3rd Graders! Come practice your writing skills and prep for the CAASPP ELA performance Task. Wednesday, February 1st from 1:30 - 2:30 in room 120/121 (the dual room)
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
3rd Grade CAASPP Writing Prep Session - February 1st from 1:30-2:30.  All 3rd graders welcome! Come practice your writing skills and prep for the CAASPP ELA performance task! Room 12/122
Our school will be closed Friday, January 27th all day for staff training!
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
CORE Butte TK8 Center Closed all day  Friday, January 27th  for staff training
HAVE YOU REGISTERED FOR OUR UPCOMING PARENT SEMINAR? Don't miss it! February 10th from 9am - 4pm Workshops Network with other parents Childcare provided by Thrive (must sign up and use private pay or EUs)
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
22/23 Parent Seminar - February 10th from 9am - 4pm. Please register to attend
come on over for coffee and chat today from 9:30 - 10:30am!
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
January coffee chat
Reminder! No school Monday, January 16th, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! WELCOME 2023! Spring Semester and the beginning of LP 4 starts Monday, January 9th! Classes begin at 9:30. Please be on time when picking up your students after classes or scheduled meetings, and call the front desk if you will be running late. (530) 809-0599. This helps your child and staff avoid unnecessary confusion. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
Happy New Year 2023
Reminder! SEL Event - Kindess in Action Friday, December 9th TK-3rd: 1pm - 2pm 4th-8th: 2pm-3pm
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
SEL Dec 9th
Be sure to take advantage of our new online merchandise sale through November 30th! Click the link for amazing deals on your favorite CORE Butte merch!
about 2 years ago, Amber Catren
22/23 Holiday Sale