We have 3 soccer Home games this week! Come out and support our Co-ed High School Soccer Team! All games are held at Heffren Field. At the end of 20th street community Park in ...
CBHS will be holding our annual Back to School Night. Any parent who has a student in a class at CBHS is encouraged to attend. The event will run from 6:00-8:00pm. You will begi...
Aug 1st Sports Physical Clinic @ 6-7pm in the Gym. We will provide the Sports packet. Make sure you bring insurance information, medical history and a parent. This clinic is ...
Important Back to School Dates For High School Students Aug 1-16 - PLT will schedule meeting with each student and parent Aug 15 - Welcome back new student onboarding - this eve...
CBHS fall sports dates Sports Physical night 8/1 Sport clearance packets turn in at CBHS Front Desk 7/30-8/2 Soccer Tryouts 8/5 Volleyball Tryouts 8/5 Cross Country...
CBHS Summer VolleyBall Camp June 10-13th. Anyone High School age is welcome to sign up. Register at https://bit.ly/3WUHBZx $50.00 fee includes camp t-shirt- pay at https://gofa...
Click HERE to access the CBHS Graduation Live Stream starting at 6pm on Thursday, May 23. This event will be recorded and available for viewing on our CORE Butte Youtube Channel....
CBHS Fall Sports Information meeting May 21st at 5:30pm in the Gym. If you are interested in playing volleyball, cross country, or soccer in the fall come out to our informationa...