Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners.
What’s the purpose?
Take career-focused courses to learn the skills needed for a career in these industries, while also determining if its a path you’re interested in before pursuing higher education and further training
Sequences of courses within a given industry sector
Work-Based Learning Experiences, Certifications, Competitions, etc.
Courses may be college prep courses, elective, or dual enrollment options with Butte College
Most CTE Pathways at CBHS are completed after taking two "concentrator" courses from the available pathway course options, and one "capstone" course to fully complete the program. Reach out to the Pathway CTE Advisor for more details about completing a specific Pathway.
Consider enrolling in CLP 101 - Career Education and Life Choices. This course provides additional details about pathways and other career and education options!